Pre-op prep

20111007-222602As much as I was ready to try and end the frozen shoulder pain and go under the knife (or in this case an arthroscope), it by no means meant that I was remotely excited about surgery. Who is?

More importantly, I have a bad, bad, bad, bad history with surgery. Over 2o years ago I had an epileptic seizure while under anesthesia. Scared the doctor apparently. I had epilepsy as a child and apparently, even though I’ve been cured of it as an adult, you’re still sensitive to certain things, including the right mix of anesthesia.

When I had my bunion surgery back in 2011 I informed them of this and luckily, I had no seizure. Hooray. However, following bunion surgery I had extreme nausea and vomiting; threw up for three days straight; landed up in the Emergency Room being pumped full of IV fluids, anti-nausea medication, and morphine for eight hours straight. NOT fun. And I certainly didn’t want that to happen again. If you’re a masochist and want to read about that fun experience you can find it here. 

Given all this dramatic history, I was going to make certain there would be no repeat offences. On the plus side, it turned out that my surgery was taking place at the La Peer Surgery Center – the exact same place I had my bunion surgery. It’s a small, private facility, so my doctor said there was a good chance it would be the same anesthesiologists. Also, it meant they had my records on file.

Now that I think about it, they were probably terrified of me showing up again. ‘Not that woman who landed up in the ER?’ I’d probably be the talk of the town!

I made sure that Dr. Meier only prescribed my Tylenol 3 for my post op meds. Tylenol 3 is Tylenol with codeine. This is what I was prescribed after the allergic reaction to Percocet from the bunion surgery. I’m allergic to Vicodin too. And Tramadol. And Penicillin. And pretty much most things. I also made sure I had a prescription filled for anti-nausea medication following surgery – just in case. Aside from another six day course of Prednisone I had to take – that’s all the drugs I was willing to take.

I was ready (well as ready as I’d ever be) for surgery!